The Inxmail modular concept for developers

Case study: Inxmail for SAP Sales Cloud

Professional email marketing in the SAP Sales Cloud environment was the desired goal. Where manual work was previously necessary due to the parallel use of different systems, parts were to be automated - legally secure, DSGVO-compliant and well-structured. SAP partner Camelot Management Consultants wanted to open up a wider range of functions to its customers by connecting marketing tools directly to the sales system. In terms of email marketing, this results in synergies in the management of subscribers and unsubscribers as well as the automated synchronization with leads as a basis for legally compliant data handling. In addition, the deliverability of the mailings should be increased. All this with a powerful editor, with which the own corporate design can be reproduced easily and intuitively.

Inxmail had the ideal solution, which consisted of three parts: an intuitive email editor in the form of Inxmail New Xperience, an API interface and the appropriate integration support. This provided the foundation on which Camelot was able to create a seamless connection between the SAP Sales Cloud and Inxmail on its own. The result: maximum flexibility in the integration and an extremely fast, efficient implementation. Inxmail New Xperience significantly expands the range of functions with new options. The SAP Sales Cloud remains the leading system: appealing templates for newsletters and mailings of all kinds can now be designed in just a few clicks - without having to change programs. All contact data as well as subscribers and unsubscribers are automatically synchronized at any time. Together, Camelot Management Consultants and Inxmail achieved a seamless integration that meets the high demands of marketers.


Extend functional range

When companies have sales using SAP Sales Cloud while marketing uses Inxmail for emails, these silos lead to challenges: For example, marketing consents had to be manually synchronized and new leads were not automatically synchronized in the leading SAP Sales Cloud system. This created manual overhead and prone to errors, and resources were unnecessarily strained. In addition, there was the technical limitation of the email marketing editor, which did not fully support the design of graphically sophisticated and responsive mailings. These are valuable opportunities designed to capture the recipient's visual attention.

To bridge the gap between sales and marketing data, Camelot wanted to combine the external email marketing solution Inxmail with SAP Sales Cloud. This had to be integrated so perfectly that a system change was not necessary. A successful cooperation took shape, from which every decision maker or user in the SAP Sales Cloud environment can now benefit.

One login, all possibilities: Inxmail New Xperience can be conveniently operated via the SAP surface.


Integration guide as a success factor

After the integration, SAP Sales Cloud remains the leading system: appealing templates for newsletters and mailings of all kinds can be designed in just a few clicks - without having to change programs.

Users can manage their campaigns and target groups for email marketing in SAP Sales Cloud. This is because all contact data as well as subscribers and unsubscribers are automatically synchronized at all times. Inxmail New Xperience offers numerous professional options for addressing recipients in a personalized manner. Segmentation into target groups enables tailored campaigns. Thanks to the seamless connection, all data, such as marketing permissions or click statistics, are now also automatically synchronized between SAP Sales Cloud and Inxmail. The campaign can be evaluated both in Inxmail New Xperience and in SAP Sales Cloud. In this way, teams from marketing and sales benefit from each other: a synergy is created between the departments that makes campaigns much more effective and thus increases sales.

The technical implementation for the functional expansion of valuable email marketing components in the SAP Sales Cloud is based on the collaboration between Inxmail and Camelot Management Consultants - the perfect duo for the project. Inxmail's software solutions are designed according to the best-of-breed approach. This means that Inxmail New Xperience has a flexible API interface. This allows programmers to connect the email editor to another system such as a CRM, ERP, CMS or online store as they wish. Inxmail offers detailed documentation including code examples that enable a development team to implement the solution quickly. In addition, there is technical consulting at a personal and professional level to guarantee a quick start. This was also the case with Camelot. Within just three months, the seamless integration between Inxmail and SAP Sales Cloud was up and running - with an enormous increase in added value.

Data exchange

High level architecture

You want to dive deeper into our integration help? Then take a look at our API documentation.


„With the integration of Inxmail into the SAP Sales Cloud, we create real added value for our customers: the automated synchronization of target groups and campaigns connects sales and marketing.“

Roberto Wahl
Head of Customer Experience at Camelot Management Consultants

About Camelot Management Consultants

Camelot is a leading global management and technology consulting firm focusing on value chain management. The firm’s mission is to transform clients’ value chains into a competitive advantage and create lasting impact where it matters most. By combining deep industry knowledge, value chain process expertise, and technology know-how, Camelot guides clients from strategy to sustainable technology adoption.

Camelot is a long-standing implementation partner of SAP and other market-leading technology providers and delivers transformative results for clients by implementing, extending, and innovating SAP and IT enterprise applications.




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