Deliverability in email marketing

With us, your mailings arrive securely throughout the world

The reliable delivery of your email communication is a crucial factor to the success of your direct marketing. That’s why we leave nothing to chance: with over 20 years of email marketing experience, our expertise helps ensure your mailings are delivered. You can rest assured that your messages will reach the recipient – we are taking care of it.

  • Permission-based email marketing
  • Secure delivery, worldwide
  • Software made and hosted in Germany
  • Certification and email authentication
  • Consultation from our delivery experts

We are here for you

Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 5 pm
+49 761 296979-0

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Legally compliant email marketing

Permission is the key! We have always been advocates for permission-based email marketing. That’s why we co-founded the CSA (Certified Senders Alliance). We are a signatory of the email marketing quality standard developed from the German Dialogue Marketing Association’s (DDV) Code of Ethics for Email Marketing. Our signature means that we undertake to comply with the applicable legal regulations as set out by the quality standard.

Secure delivery, worldwide

We are an international sender with more than 2,000 customers in over 20 countries. We are partnered with all the major Internet service providers around the world to provide you with maximum delivery.

Hosted in Germany

You can rely on the highest level of data security: our Inxmail Professional and Inxmail Commerce solutions bear the seal ‘Software hosted in Germany’. The German Federal Association for IT for SMEs (BITMi e.V.) awards this seal to software programs that comply with the German Data Protection Act.


The sender’s reputation is a vital criterion when it comes to sending mailings. We monitor your delivery and keep an eye on blacklists and sender scores, among other things. If we detect a need for optimisation, we act immediately. You receive custom recommendations if we identify delivery problems.


Inxmail is authenticated as a serious sender by all major Internet service providers. Among other things, we are a certified sender and founding member of the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA), the first Germany-wide project for certified deliverability.


Improve your delivery rates by authenticating your sender addresses. We provide various authentication procedures, such as the Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), DMARC and Sender ID.

BIMI increases security and brand visibility

The new email standard Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) makes it easier for consumers to identify fraudulent emails in their inbox. BIMI creates greater brand visibility for companies and makes them more resilient against phishing. Together with Inxmail, FTI was one of the first companies in Germany to introduce BIMI. Read our case study on it for more information.

To the case study

Expertise for you

We provide the latest expertise concerning the topic of deliverability in email marketing through training courses, webinars and practical tips. Find out how to legally obtain email addresses and much more. The Inxmail Academy means you’re always up to date when it comes to legally compliant email marketing.

To the trainings

Do you have any questions?

We are always here to help! Our qualified specialists have the right answer for every question.
